Frequently Asked Questions



 Who can participate in the Open Readings conference?

‘Open Readings’ is an international, free and open platform aimed at students and young researchers who have attained or are currently studying for a BSc, MSc, or Ph.D. degree and who wish to present their current research to like-minded scientists.

 Can I participate in the ‘Open Readings 2025’ conference as a listener?

Yes, ‘Open Readings’ welcomes anyone who wishes to participate as a listener. Listeners must make sure to fill out the online listener registration form, which can be accessed before the conference. Once the listener arrives at the venue, they are welcome to directly enter the auditorium where the conference is held, in-person sign up is required. Please make sure to arrive on time for the scheduled oral presentations so as to not disturb the speakers.

 Is participating in ‘Open Readings 2025’ free of charge both for participants and listeners?

Yes, both registration and attendance are free of charge for participants and listeners.

 What happens if I have registered as a participant, but cannot give my presentation at the conference?

Let us know about your absence as soon as possible. If you are not present during your presentation time, please find an alternate speaker or your abstract will not be published in the abstract book.

 Can I participate in the ‘Open Readings 2025’ conference as a participant online?

Partaking in the conference as a participant is on-site only. The conference will be held in the Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (NFTMC), Saulėtekio al. 3, LT-10257 Vilnius, Lithuania. Further information can be found in the Venue section.

 Can I receive an invitation letter for my visa application to attend ‘Open Readings 2025’?

Yes, we provide official invitation letters for visa applications to all accepted participants. To receive one, you must first register on our website and submit the abstract of your presentation by February 17, 2025. Your submission will be reviewed by our program committee and, once accepted, you will be eligible to request an invitation letter.


 Does Open Readings provide accommodation for its participants?

Participants are not granted accommodation, however, certain accommodation suggestions can be accessed at the Arrival and getting around page along with further details regarding transportation and getting around.

Formal Requirements:

 Where can I find the presentation topics of the ‘Open Readings 2025’ conference?

You can find the eight available topics by scrolling to the end of the main ‘Open Readings’ page.

 What are the requirements for an abstract to be published in the ‘Open Readings 2025’ abstract book?

The participant has to have completed the conference registration form, which will be evaluated by the conference programme committee. Each participant will be informed about the decision on participation/acceptance. During the conference, research must be presented at the venue as a poster/oral presentation during each participant’s scheduled session. In case the participant is not present during their assigned time slot, their abstract will not be published in the abstract book.

 Can I fix any errors I find in my abstract after already submitting it?

After submitting your registration form you will receive two evaluation emails. The first one will confirm whether or not your abstract meets the provided template. In the case of it not meeting the template, you are granted two weeks to make corrections and resubmit. After a successful template confirmation, your abstract is ready to be evaluated by the Programme Committee. The second email you receive will inform you about the decision on abstract acceptance. No further changes will be allowed to be made after the Programme Committee evaluation, regardless whether the abstract is accepted or rejected.

 What are the formal requirements for conducting the poster presentation?

The participant has to print out and bring their own posters in the size A0 (841 x 1189 mm) or A1 (594 x 841 mm). Please note that the poster has to be in a vertical (portrait) position.

 Can one person deliver multiple presentations?

Yes, if accepted by the Programme Committee, a participant may present more than one presentation under their name, however, different research should be presented in each presentation. One may also present a poster presentation in place of another person, however, only the one presenting will acquire a Certificate of Participation in their name.

 What citation style should I use for my abstract and poster?

For your abstract and poster you should use IEEE citation style (instructions can be found here)

 What type of research is eligible for presentation at ‘Open Readings 2025’?

‘Open Readings 2025’ accepts original research from students in the fields of physical and natural science. Your research should present new findings, data, or insights that contribute to your field of study. Literature reviews or works summarizing existing research are not eligible for presentation.

 Where can I find the template for my abstract?

Open Readings does not provide a separate abstract template. Instead, you can register your abstract directly through our registration system. Simply fill in all the required fields, including the abstract field in LaTeX format. Once completed, click "Generate Abstract" and the system will automatically format your abstract, displaying it on the right side for review.


 Where and when will I be able to access the ‘Open Readings 2025’ conference programme?

A detailed conference agenda will be published on the Open Readings website at least a month before the conference.



 Where on-site do I have to sign up as a participant?

Having arrived at the venue, participants have to sign up and pick up their participant badges at the registration desk. The registration desk is open all day long from 8AM each day throughout the conference.

 At what time should the participant arrive at the venue?

The participant should arrive at least 20 minutes in advance in order to properly register and set up their presentation to prevent technical difficulties as much as possible.

 At what times and for how long should the participant be next to their poster presentation?

The participant can set up their poster as early as 9AM on the day of the session but no later than 2 hours before the start of the Poster session and must stay next to their poster throughout the entire session. If the participant is no where to be found near his poster, they will not receive the certificate of participation.

 Will there be any refreshments provided at the venue?

Yes, everyone is welcome to enjoy provided snacks, coffee and tea present at the venue most certainly free of charge.

 Where on-site do I have to sign up as a listener?

Once the listener arrives at the venue, they are welcome to directly enter the auditorium where the conference is held, in-person sign up is required. Please make sure to arrive on time for the scheduled oral presentations so as not to disturb the speakers.


 Will there be photographs taken during the ‘Open Readings 2025’ conference?

Yes, there will be photographs and video footage taken during the conference. It will be used by the organisers for marketing and publicity reasons. You will be able to find all photographs after the conference in the official Facebook page of ‘Open Readings’.


Certificate of Participation:

 When and how will I receive my Certificate of Participation?

Each participant will receive a digital version of their Certificate of Participation via the e-mail address provided in the registration form in a week’s time.