Prof. Dr. Boris Chichkov

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Prof. Dr. Boris Chichkov received his Ph.D. degree and started his scientific carrier in laser physics at the P.N. Lebedev Institute of Physics, headed by Prof. N.G. Basov, who got the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1964 for his fundamental work in quantum electronics that led to the development of laser and maser. Under his influence, the development of novel laser technologies and their applications in material processing, photonics and biomedicine became one of B. Chickov’s strong motivations. In 1997 Chichkov made a Habilitation in physics from the Hannover University and became a professor at the Institut für Quantenoptik at the Leibniz Universität Hannover.

Dr. Chichkov’s research focuses on laser physics and its applications, quantum and nonlinear optics, nano- and biophotonics, nanoengineering, biomedical implants and devices, biofabrication, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Dr. Boris Chichkov was one of the first ones that contributed to the progress of the femtosecond laser material processing, three-dimensional additive laser nanomanufacturing by two photon polymerization technique, laser generation and printing of nanoparticles. Currently, Dr. Boris Chichkov works as a professor of physics at the Leibniz Universität Hannover.

One of the most interesting research areas that Boris is involved in is laser printing of living cells and tissue. His work can make considerable contribution to human health and longevity. Boris’ team aims at the development of innovative laser technologies for biofabrication of living organs and tissue substitutes from patient specific cells. In future his technology will drastically improve organ transplantation.

Photo source: Leibniz Universität Hannover