April 26, 2024
Pupils' Session Speakers

Domas Paipulas is a group leader of Femtosecond Laser Micromachining laboratory at Vilnius University Laser Research Center and studies light-matter interaction effects searching for potential applications for laser micromachining.

Algirdas Toleikis is a Principal Investigator at Vilnius University Life Sciences Center, specializing in studies on molecular motors. He spent nearly a decade in the UK, where he obtained PhD on topoisomerases and later conducted postdoc research on kinesins. In 2021 he was awarded a prestigious EMBO Installation Grant to start his laboratory at Vilnius University. His team is combining biochemistry, molecular biology and biophysics to find out how DNA motors function.

Professor Aivaras Kareiva is the Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences of Vilnius University, a member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences. His research interests include the synthesis and characterization of superconducting, optical, magnetic, bioceramic and other future-oriented materials. A. Kareiva has published over 370 scientific articles in high-level international journals and he is intensively engaged in pedagogical/educational activities.
Considering a career as a scientist? No need to look further since we are here to help you take your first steps into the world of science!
We invite all students interested in natural sciences and conducting experiments to start planning and carrying out their scientific research to later present their scientific work and experimentations during the ‘Open Readings 2024’ conference!
Students along with their teachers will have the opportunity to attend the whole conference from the 23rd to the 26th of April, where acclaimed scientists and young researchers from all over the world will each deliver their presentations. However, that is not all – there will be a separate session awaiting you (April 26th), during which invited speakers, in a listener-friendly, accessible and interesting way, will present their field of scientific work along with the typical research they conduct and what to them being a scientist means.
After having attended presentations of invited speakers, the students will present their conducted research in the fields of biology, chemistry, physics and modeling. The students have to formulate a research topic related to one of the mentioned fields, then begin to experimentally/ theoretically/ quantitatively analyse it and conduct their research and after acquiring the results – formulate the study’s conclusions. Finally, the student presents their carried-out scientific research in the format of a poster (A0 poster format). The participants present their works to the public and participate in answering the public’s questions during the Pupils’ session’s poster presentation time on 26th April.

You may refer to these templates:
Lastly, we will invite the students to take part in excursion-type-workshops at the laboratories of the Vilnius University Life Sciences Centre and the Centre for Physical Sciences and Technology!
Participation in the conference is free of charge
More information is to be announced in the upcoming months.