
National Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (NFTMC)

The 68th International Conference for Students of Physics and Natural Sciences “Open Readings 2025” will be held at the National Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (NFTMC), Saulėtekio Ave. 3, Vilnius, Lithuania. NFTMC is the largest research facility in the Baltic States, housing the Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC), the Vilnius University Faculty of Physics (VU FF), and Vilnius Tech research facilities. These institutions, while independent, are united by their contributions to advancing scientific discovery and innovation.

FTMC, the largest scientific research institution in Lithuania, leads groundbreaking research in fields such as laser technologies, nanotechnology, and materials science. The Vilnius University Faculty of Physics is renowned for its world-class research in astronomy, optoelectronics, and laser physics. As part of Lithuania’s oldest and most prestigious academic institution, Vilnius University Faculty of Physics plays a pivotal role in shaping the next generation of physicists and fostering international collaboration in Lithuania.

NFTMC is located in the renowned Sunrise Valley, a vibrant hub integrating science, education, and business. Alongside NFTMC, Sunrise Valley hosts the Life Sciences Centre, Laser Research Center, VU Faculty of Physics as well as additional faculties of Vilnius University, and the modern Scholarly Communication and Information Centre. Vilnius Tech also contributes to the ecosystem, specializing in engineering and applied sciences.

With its visionary outlook and remarkable achievements, NFTMC provides an ideal setting for “Open Readings 2025.” We are delighted to welcome students and researchers from around the world to join us in Vilnius for this prestigious event.


 Where on-site do I have to sign up as a participant?

Having arrived at the venue, participants have to sign up and pick up their participant badges at the registration desk. The registration desk is open all day long from 8AM each day throughout the conference.

 At what time should the participant arrive at the venue?

The participant should arrive at least 20 minutes in advance in order to properly register and set up their presentation to prevent technical difficulties as much as possible.

 Will there be any refreshments provided at the venue?

Yes, everyone is welcome to enjoy provided snacks, coffee and tea present at the venue most certainly free of charge.